Workshop Adobe Photoshop CC


Here is my long notes about design poster that I attended on 9 Nov 2014.

>graphic design=word+image+visual communication
>eg. typography
> rule of third utk pilih gambar background
>font2u, evantomarket, freepik

>design principle:
  1. alignment : proper arrangement & positioning
  2. balance : distribute weight equally
  3. Proximity : put together if it is related, klu x, jarakkan.
  4. contrast : highlight & attention. paling penting ialah tulisan.
  5. space : give eye a rest. kena ada 1 fokus point. kena bt poster yg skali je tgk, org dh dpt point.
  6. Repetition : create pattern @ rhythm. utk bt border, background

>canvas : ctrl+N
>size kertas - akan double kat tempat paling panjang.
>resolution ppi/dpi : smkin tinggi, smakin sharp image.
>color mode : CMYK-utk printing, RGB-utk tv display
> blh save preset
> essentials kalau nak pilih

>masking (nondestructive layer):
- guna selection tool, refine edge, brush
- edit>preference>performance>history states - history lagi byk, lagi berat
- refine edge > boleh klik kt gmbr utk remove putih2 outline > decontaminate color > new layer
- refine edge : feather - utk bg ada outline kat luar
-quick selection brush tool : tekan (alt) utk unselect
> masking tak sama dengan delete
>brush tool : (B) - untuk buang image sikit
>(X) : utk change color foreground& background

>move image mask tadi :
-move tool>click & hold> masukkan ke tab image
-select marquee tool> rightclick> layer via cut >
-right click kt layer>convert to smartobject
- smartobject : baru dia tak pecah klu kita resize image

>tulisan dengan background image:
- klik kat layer font > ctrl + klik > tekan background yang nak tu>ctrl+J>move layer yg baru tu keatas

>crop image : select >ctrl+J
>doubleclik kt layer>stroke - utk bt outline image bulat
>klik>tulis > ctrl+enter
>klik+hold+tarik+lepas - utk buat tulis paragraph
> window>character - nak ubah setting tulisan
>shift+alt+klik bucu - resize daripada tengah

>border : shape bg full > stroke >

>design tips :
  1. tahu audience
  2. message apa nak sampaikn
  3. gmbr dgn message kena sama tujuan
  4. keep it short n sweet
  5. edit.

>masukkan gambar : file
> place embedded
>place linked
>layer style>color overlay - tukar warna image

>tekan bulat laki tu>ctrl+layer>marquee tool>tarik select yg kita nak bt> select layer yang kita nak crop> ctrl+J

For shortcut :
  • (T) - type tulisan
  • Ctrl+O - open file
  • square braket - utk zoom brush
  • ctrl+1 - 100% image
  • ctrl+0 - fix screen
  • ctrl+ (-) - zoom out
  • ctrl + (+) - zoom in
  • hold (space) + klik - nak move
  • ctrl+alt+z- undo
  • ctrl+shift+z - redo
