Pusat Racun Negara (1 Disember 2014)

Assalamualaikum, Nihao Konnichiwa....
Here is my short notes during the visit at USM Penang. This is under subject Clinical Toxicology.
USM VISIT on 1/12/2014
Information regarding Cameron highlands : Pesticide amount in water is too high than safe amount, disarankan mnum air mineral saja.

《Case study which is adapted from real case》

Bdk 2 yo ingest thinner
▪Management /intervention▪
Pukul brp g hospital?
Apa intervention yg parent n doctor dah buat?
Gastric lavage n activated charcoal xperlu bg.
Sebab bg if <1hr ingestion.
Low viscosity xboleh bt lavage sbb boleh aspirate into the lung. Thinner, acid , alkali. Monitot cns, mental status, cek abg if pt have s/sx, 


Op poisoning in 56yo female with alzheimer
▪Management /intervention▪
Nicotinic, muscarinic effect.
Glyphosate is herbicide = ken -phosphate
Thus cek btul xyg brand name yg Dr ni dah ckp. Glyphosate or OP?
Apa intervention yg Dr dah bt?
Lavage depend on time admin n type of substance.
investigation : atropine challenge test dose sbb incase op poisoning , inject, dlm 2-3min akan dpt observe effect HR normal, klu no OP, HR naik.

35yo female 3 hours ingest 1/2 bottle of clorox.
▪Management /intervention▪
Doctor akan bg antiemetic.
Halfbottle tu besr ka kecik ka?
Bila time vomiting..
Cannot do gastric lavage.
Clorox is alkali pH11.
