Assalamualaikum, Ni hao, Konnichiwa..
This is my second post for this year. Only now I'm able to have some time to write something. As usual, wanna write something short. Just some short advice.
If you want to choose your carrier (job), please choose the one that you like most. Meaning if you need to think about it for most of the time and you are happy with that, then the occupation is suitable for you. Why I suddenly saying this out of blue? coz now I only realized what I have choosen. So if you have child, expose them to everything. Let your child decide which things they like and develop/nurture their 'liking'.
How about you dont know what you actually like? Me also dont know how to answer that question. But i think it is better you ask Allah directly. He will let you go through the best route for you and believe in that. Believe that Allah knows you more than you know yourself.
Advice for those who get new job for the first time. Just do everything as being told even though you hate it or think it is not logic at all. Don't overthink, it is just a waste of energy. Sometimes you do not understand it at first, but later you will find out the wisdom behind it. Most of the new start point will be very tough and challenging.
Not all working place will have good friends, good boss, or good leader. Most of time we will learn by 'force' a.k.a. under pressure a.k.a. learn by hard way. You will only realized the thing supposed to be done that way when you have done it wrongly.. or only realized after being scold~!.. Omg... Next, you really need to have 'deaf ear' and 'diamond heart' in order to live in the 'cruel working environment'. Am I being too negative? Nope. But why I'm saying 'cruel'? because some of them double face, treat people by casta (kasta), if that people looks weak, lets 'bully' them. hurmm~ Thats why the world now is really terrible because the higher one is corrupt. We really need a good leader. Not a bossy boss. Some people just want to hide their weakness by scolding other people. this is real.
But one thing is that, you will also met people who work sincerely to help people as if the 'customers' is their own family members. I guess this kind of people believe in karma. Those who do good to others, we also received the same. This is in accordance in Islam but Muslim believe more than that. We want blessing from Allah which is far better than blessing from human itself.
My advice is that, just be confidence in yourself. Believe in Allah. No matter how bad they planned to do to you, if Allah has planned something better for you, you will get the best. So, no need to worry too much. Just do your best to get Allah's blessing. If you do your best to get people's expectation, people are always greedy and ungrateful and you will just end up fed-up.
You want something badly, but the challenges are there. A lot. However, nothing in this world comes easily. Even flowing water needs gravity. We as humankind are so weak. That's why we must always rely on Allah. Only Allah can help us go through everything with ease. Always pray to Allah and do your best. Let Allah do the rest.
Lets face the real world. Working world. World full of billions of 'colorful' people.
This is only my personal opinion. That's all.
Jaane~ Zai jian.
This is my second post for this year. Only now I'm able to have some time to write something. As usual, wanna write something short. Just some short advice.
If you want to choose your carrier (job), please choose the one that you like most. Meaning if you need to think about it for most of the time and you are happy with that, then the occupation is suitable for you. Why I suddenly saying this out of blue? coz now I only realized what I have choosen. So if you have child, expose them to everything. Let your child decide which things they like and develop/nurture their 'liking'.
How about you dont know what you actually like? Me also dont know how to answer that question. But i think it is better you ask Allah directly. He will let you go through the best route for you and believe in that. Believe that Allah knows you more than you know yourself.
Advice for those who get new job for the first time. Just do everything as being told even though you hate it or think it is not logic at all. Don't overthink, it is just a waste of energy. Sometimes you do not understand it at first, but later you will find out the wisdom behind it. Most of the new start point will be very tough and challenging.
Not all working place will have good friends, good boss, or good leader. Most of time we will learn by 'force' a.k.a. under pressure a.k.a. learn by hard way. You will only realized the thing supposed to be done that way when you have done it wrongly.. or only realized after being scold~!.. Omg... Next, you really need to have 'deaf ear' and 'diamond heart' in order to live in the 'cruel working environment'. Am I being too negative? Nope. But why I'm saying 'cruel'? because some of them double face, treat people by casta (kasta), if that people looks weak, lets 'bully' them. hurmm~ Thats why the world now is really terrible because the higher one is corrupt. We really need a good leader. Not a bossy boss. Some people just want to hide their weakness by scolding other people. this is real.
But one thing is that, you will also met people who work sincerely to help people as if the 'customers' is their own family members. I guess this kind of people believe in karma. Those who do good to others, we also received the same. This is in accordance in Islam but Muslim believe more than that. We want blessing from Allah which is far better than blessing from human itself.
My advice is that, just be confidence in yourself. Believe in Allah. No matter how bad they planned to do to you, if Allah has planned something better for you, you will get the best. So, no need to worry too much. Just do your best to get Allah's blessing. If you do your best to get people's expectation, people are always greedy and ungrateful and you will just end up fed-up.
You want something badly, but the challenges are there. A lot. However, nothing in this world comes easily. Even flowing water needs gravity. We as humankind are so weak. That's why we must always rely on Allah. Only Allah can help us go through everything with ease. Always pray to Allah and do your best. Let Allah do the rest.
Lets face the real world. Working world. World full of billions of 'colorful' people.
This is only my personal opinion. That's all.
Jaane~ Zai jian.